Thursday, April 23, 2009


High chattering level of the following in the news during the past couple of weeks....
1. Huge employment LAYOFFS,
2. Increased in number of BANKRUPTCIES and now followed by
3. High profile and increased in SUICIDES.

This happen all the times during the past major 'bust' or 'down' cycles. And it will repeat again and again every 12 to 14 years cycle... just human psychology.

It's about time to GET INTO THE MARKET NOW if your investment horizon is for the next 3 to 5 years and if you are prepared to take some short term high volatility. It may or may not be the lowest point right now, but it is GOOD ENOUGH. OK to pour in 50% or more of your cash holding into some beaten down Blue Chip shares. They will be the very first few counters to recover once the dust settle down in the next few months.

Good luck. Fasten the seat belt. And enjoy the volatile ride over the next few months. You will be rewarded handsomely (in the next 3 to 5 years or sooner).

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