Monday, April 13, 2009

Recession outlasts even extended jobless benefits - Yahoo! Finance

For many unemployed, the recession will outlast even extended jobless benefits

Christopher S. Rugaber, AP Economics Writer
Sunday April 5, 2009, 4:57 am EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- In the coming weeks and months, hundreds of thousands of jobless Americans will exhaust their unemployment benefits, just when it's never been harder to find a job.

Congress extended unemployment aid twice last year, allowing people to draw a total of up to 59 weeks of benefits. Now, as the recession drags on, a rolling wave of people who were laid off early last year will lose them.

Precise figures are hard to determine, but Wayne Vroman, an economist at the Urban Institute, estimates that up to 700,000 people could exhaust their extended benefits by the second half of this year.

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