Tuesday, February 3, 2009

After Layoffs, There's Survivor's Guilt - Yahoo! News

If your company has just gone through layoffs and you didn't lose your job, you might feel relieved. Or you might feel so horrible you almost wish you didn't work there anymore, either.

It's been a brutal week at work, with U.S. companies - like Caterpillar, Boeing, Sprint Nextel and Target - cutting more than 80,000 jobs all told. Losing your paycheck in a recession is certainly awful, and those that hold onto their jobs are no doubt better off than their fallen colleagues. But coming into the office and watching colleagues pack their things and go - being filled with guilt that it wasn't you, anxiety that you might be next, exhaustion from the extra work you now must take on, even envy that certain people get to leave such a sullen environment - that's not much of a cause for celebration either.


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