Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to determine Max Heart Rate

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From: STKuan
Date: Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 3:52 PM
Subject: Sub Max Heart Rate

I forgot the steps for determining the sub-max HR (as oppose to the max HR) and had try to dig out the notes (it was done 6 months ago). I couldn't find them. Found the results of my sub max test instead and used that to recall the tests rom there.

There's 2 test that we did; "easy-moderate-hard" and "can you speak comfortably".

In "easy-moderate-hard"; you do a 10min run at an "easy" pace and you take the HR at the end of the 10min. Then immediately you pick up the pace to a moderate level and keep at it for another 10 min. At the end take your HR. Then do the same 10min run at a "hard" pace and take your HR at the end of the run. With your "easy" pace HR - add 60; "moderate" pace HR - add 40 and "hard" pace HR add 20. Find the average of the 3 results and that would be your Max HR.

You can also do a "can you speak comfortably" test to check. In this test you run as far as you can but at a pace you can speak comfortably. We did that by asking a partner if they can speak comfortably and vice versa every 5 min. If yes, then continue. If no then take the HR at the point where you can't speak without panting. You can also do the same test by singing a short verse of a song. If you can do so at a comfortable level, then continue the run and pick up the pace to increase your HR by 10. At the end of it, take the HR and add in a factor of 40. That would be your Max HR.

Not very scientific but short of doing the threadmill test in a clinic with medical professional aid; that would be an accurate estimate of your Max HR. Let me know if you have any questions.


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